Q3 Blended - Disruptive Innovation
Ended Mar 9, 2018
1 credit
Full course description
Q3 Blended - Disruptive Innovation
January 8, 2018 - March 9, 2018
Course is offered on-site, blended, asynchronous - location depends on method of participation selected by student
1 credit offered by UAA at participants expense $74.00
*If auditing course there is no cost to participant
Open to Administrators and Teachers
No stipend or per diem offered
This course explores how Blended Learning has the power to reinvent
education. It gives research based
examples and resources for educators demonstrating the advantages a blended
model has over traditional instruction.
Readers will find: 1) Breakdowns of the most effective classroom setups
for blended learning, 2) Tips for leaders, 3) Ideas for personalizing and
differentiating instruction using technology, 4) Strategies for managing
devices in classrooms and schools, and 5) Questions to facilitate professional
development and deeper learning.